The TouchStone Business System

Your Process Implementation Tool

Two key reasons why most businesses are unable to develop and implement business processes:

  • the first key reason is the lack of a Process Implementation Tool.

MS Word, Google Docs, Sharepoint…  They are all programs designed for sharing documents.

They are not designed for process implementation.

Sure, they’ll work for the first few processes you write.

But as you grow and continue down this path of using the wrong tool for the job, you’re going to end up in SOP Chaos – processes in all different locations in all different formats. No one can find the instructions they need. Your business knowledge is disorganized, out of date and all over the place.


TouchStone uniquely integrates your People, your Processes and your Positions so your employees see exactly what they need to see to achieve your expectations and your managers have the most current training tools to get them up to speed as quickly as possible.


All of your business knowledge organized and available.

A 5-Step Business Systemization Plan

Your Process Implementation Plan

The second key reason why most businesses are unable to develop and implement business processes is the lack of a Process Implementation Plan.

Without a foundation for your process-dependent business, without a plan or a blueprint, you’re never going to get your processes organized and implemented.

  • What processes do I need?
  • What are the most important ones to get written?
  • Who needs them and how do I make sure they have access to them?

This 5-Step plan is not Rocket Science.

It’s a simple step-by-step plan developed over more than 20 years having worked with hundreds of businesses just like yours.

Take TouchStone for a Test Drive



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