5 Quick and Easy Steps to Creating
Your Process-Dependent Business

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Everyone TELLS you to systemize your business



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Everyone TELLS you to systemize your business


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“It’s given us the structure
that we need”

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“This process has me thinking about things that I’ve never thought about.”

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“This process has me thinking about things that I’ve never thought about.”

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“This process has me thinking about things that I’ve never thought about.”

If you’ve ever said; “I know I need to systemize my business but…

  • “I just don’t know how” or
  • “I don’t have the time” or
  • “I’ve tried but my processes are all over the place”

Then this is the process implementation plan and the process implementation tool for you.


If any of these statements are true for you,
then this program is perfect for you.

  • You’re constantly firefighting, answering questions, getting interrupted, having to follow up with things that you shouldn’t have to follow up with
  • You want to stop the chaos – you don’t want to be a slave to your business
  • It’s really hard to find good employees. It doesn’t seem like there are any good people left to hire
  • You don’t have enough time – you’re working way too many hours – always putting out fires – unable to get done what you want to get done – you feel like you’re never getting anything done that needs to get done – you want more freedom
  • It’s difficult to train new and existing employees
  • It’s difficult to manage employees
  • It’s difficult to hold employees accountable to your expectations because they don’t really know what is expected of them and how to achieve those expectations
  • You’re constantly having to tell your employees what to do.
  • You feel like if you want something done right you have to do it yourself
  • You want to scale but the thought of growth just seems like compounded frustration and overwhelm – you can only do so much
  • You want to be able to get free of your company at some point, to sell it, or to be calling in for the numbers or to be doing what you love to do in your business without having to do all the things you don’t want to be doing
  • You want to be able to delegate better
  • You don’t want things to rely on you, (or any specific employee in your business because if/when they leave it’s really hard to replace them)You need to get your knowledge out of your head and into the hands of your employees
  • You need processes for recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, managing and evaluating 
  • To scale you need to be able to hire people you can train, instead of hiring professionals, but you don’t have the processes to do the training and hold them accountable
  • Almost every day feels like a chinese fire drill
  • You need time and space to step back and work ‘ON’ the business but you can’t because things depend too much on you
  • You need to stop being the ‘Go To Guy’ for everything in the business
  • You need to be able to get out there and sell and have the technical part of your business work without your constant involvement
  • You feel like you have to do everything in your business
  • You want to stop making poor hiring decisions
  • You need to stop those sleepless nights of worrying about your business
  • You need to understand how to implement processes
  • You want a structured plan to make it happen
  • You don’t want to have to close your business when you retire. You want to be able to sell it for what you think it’s worth – big bucks!
Click the Link Below To Get Started with your 5-Part D.I.Y. Training

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